Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 2.1 - Stop Animation Investigation

1. What is stop motion?
This is a technique that is used to make any object moved on its own.

2. How is motion created using stop motion animation?
Motion is created when you put it into individual frames and play them in a sequence.

3. What material is needed to create stop motion animation?
The materials needed to create stop motion animation is a camera, any type of clay, small objects, wire, block figures, or string.

4. How is stop motion animation different from other forms of movies?
Stop animation is different because it allows you to see what is happening frame by frame. In other forms of movies, it is actually being filmed. With stop motion, you use objects and and take various pictures to include.

5. Describe the steps you need to follow in order to create a stop animation film.
To create a stop animation film, you must first get the needed figures that you will include. Make sure to set up the figures in whatever position youd like it to be. Then you take your camera and set it up where you want to take the pictures at. You must make sure the camera is steady or else your photos will not come out right. The lighting around you must be good too.

6. What objects are used in the films?
The objects that are used in the first film are a stuffed cat, another stuffed animal, and a little rocket ship. In the 2nd film, colored letters, a shirt, tie, pants, socks, and dress are used.

7. How is music used to tell the story in both animations?
In both animations, music lightens the mood of them. In the first one with the stuffed cat, there was an appropriate song to go along with what the cat was doing. It showed him a lot in space on the rocket and looking at the moon and the song had something to do with that. In the second film, they are preparing for a wedding and the music is uplifting.

8. What is the overall story in both of the films?
In the first film, the cat has dreams about going to the moon. It eventually gets to go to the moon on a little rocket.

In the second film, a couple is preparing to go to a wedding. They are getting dressed and drive over to the wedding. The wedding invitation is shown as well.

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