Monday, December 27, 2010

Blog # 2.9 - Process Journal # 4

In order to complete this project, my partner and I will need 2 toy dolls (guy and girl) and a stuffed animal. We will also need scissors, construction paper, and markers. The construction paper is for the background which will depict a city. The music that will enhance our animation is the instrumental for Halo. We have chosen this music because it is symbolic for our story. There will be a hero saving the day. I think the sound of the song fits with our theme.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blog # 2.7 - Process Journal # 2

For Criteria F - Attitudes in Technology, I would give my parter and I a 6. I would score our work in class a 6 because we both displayed a "satisfactory standard in both of the aspects listed above." Brittany and I both worked on the Storyboard Handout together and each contributed to the planning of our movie. I wrote about the characters and the overall main idea of the storyline. She wrote why we chose our title and and the setting of the film and our soundtrack. We equally distributed what we are going to bring in for the next class.

Blog # 2.8 - Process Journal # 3

The storyline that my partner and I have decided to go with is an action figure who acts as the super hero has to save the day. The action figure is saving the day from a stuffed animal who acts as the villain. This storyline was my idea and my partner and I agreed to do it for this project. The super hero is walking around and his attention is immediately drawn to the stuffed animal causing havoc upon the city. He has to save his lady friend from the villain.

Blog # 2.6 - Brainstorm

For this movie, I thought about using an action figure. The action figure will just be minding his business until he realizes that something is wrong. The background will be buildings and he will be alerted and then soar into action. Another character in this movie would be a stuffed animal. The stuffed animal will be the villain. The action figure would attack the stuffed animal and stand victorious by it. The background music would be either Hero by Nickelback or Hero by Skillet.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blog # 2.5 - Process Journal #1

For this project, I am working with Brittany Steele. For the execution of this project, I am thinking of using an action figure to go into action. It will be walking and realize it needs to save the day. So the action figure will jolt into the air and rescue another little person.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog # 2.4 - Design Specification

  • Partner
  • Digital Camera
  • Photo Editing Software
  • 2 minutes in length
  • Materials for stop animation (clay, small objects, wire, etc.)

Blog # 2.3 - Design Brief

With a partner, I must create a stop animation. We will take a lot of pictures by using a camera and photo editing software. The purpose of making the stop animation is to create a story. The target audience could be teenagers.

Blog # 2.2 - Design Task

Our task is to work with a partner and create a stop animation. We have to use a digital camera and photo editing software.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog # 1.16 -

Throughout this creative process, I've learned that Im willing to contribute in any way to projects. I've also learned that I pick good teammates. I was able to work with them and get our project done on time. I do consider myself a creative person sometimes. During this project, I thought I wasnt going to contribute much creativity to the game. But with my game cards, I wanted to make a little design so that the cards wouldn't look plain and I got good responses for doing so. Im also creative because of the fact that I enjoy writing so Im creating something. I demonstrate my creativity by thikig of ways to make something look better or even sound better.

Blog # 2.1 - Stop Animation Investigation

1. What is stop motion?
This is a technique that is used to make any object moved on its own.

2. How is motion created using stop motion animation?
Motion is created when you put it into individual frames and play them in a sequence.

3. What material is needed to create stop motion animation?
The materials needed to create stop motion animation is a camera, any type of clay, small objects, wire, block figures, or string.

4. How is stop motion animation different from other forms of movies?
Stop animation is different because it allows you to see what is happening frame by frame. In other forms of movies, it is actually being filmed. With stop motion, you use objects and and take various pictures to include.

5. Describe the steps you need to follow in order to create a stop animation film.
To create a stop animation film, you must first get the needed figures that you will include. Make sure to set up the figures in whatever position youd like it to be. Then you take your camera and set it up where you want to take the pictures at. You must make sure the camera is steady or else your photos will not come out right. The lighting around you must be good too.

6. What objects are used in the films?
The objects that are used in the first film are a stuffed cat, another stuffed animal, and a little rocket ship. In the 2nd film, colored letters, a shirt, tie, pants, socks, and dress are used.

7. How is music used to tell the story in both animations?
In both animations, music lightens the mood of them. In the first one with the stuffed cat, there was an appropriate song to go along with what the cat was doing. It showed him a lot in space on the rocket and looking at the moon and the song had something to do with that. In the second film, they are preparing for a wedding and the music is uplifting.

8. What is the overall story in both of the films?
In the first film, the cat has dreams about going to the moon. It eventually gets to go to the moon on a little rocket.

In the second film, a couple is preparing to go to a wedding. They are getting dressed and drive over to the wedding. The wedding invitation is shown as well.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blog # 1.15 - Process Journal # 9

For the most part, we were able to stick to our plan for the completion of this project. We just had to extend the time for the completion of the cards because we were clearing up some discreptancies about the layout for them. Everything else was completed on time except for getting the colored dice.

Blog # 1.14 - Process Journal # 8

Our final game is very similar to the original design. One difference is that the last color on the final game is purple and the last color on the original design is red. The card holders will be at 2 of the corners of the gameboard as originally planned. On the original design, the colors were as followed green, yellow, blue, red, purple and orange. On the final game, the colors are red, green, orange, blue, yellow, and purple.

Blog # 1.12 - Process Journal # 5

My team and I have completed most of our tasks. Yaritza has completed our gameboard. I made the scrap paper and completed my orange and purple cards. Sadae and Yaritza were continuing to work on their cards. Sadae bought the dice and we still have to look for colors to put on it. Sadae brought the box holders for the cards. For the most part, we have completed most of our tasks,