Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog # 1.11 - Process Journal # 4

The developments that my team and I have made towards the execution of our project is figuring out what each of us are going to do. We figured out how to create the cards and what dice needs to be used. For the next class, we have to still work on our individual parts. Before next week, we have to work on our cards, gameboard, and collect other pieces. I have to work on the orange and purple cards. Yaritza has to work on the green and yellow cards and Sadae works on the red and blue cards. All three of us have to work on the gameboard. Sadae has to work on getting the dice. I have to collect the scrap paper. Yaritza has to make the game pieces. I've had certain difficulties. I think that thinking of questions for history is a little hard. I will try to research more in order to finish my cards.

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