Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blog # 1.9 - Process Journal # 3

I believe that the only challenge we are facing is the gameboard. We still need to figure out the actual design and specific details of the gameboard such as the number of spaces. The IB learner qualities that the members of my team are exhibiting in a positive manner are Thinkers and Communicators. We each communicate our ideas to one another and think about different designs. We also talk about them and plan our game out. We are still working on developing Inquirers and Open Minded. We have to start researching how to word our questions so that the 6th graders will understand. We also have to be more accepting of others' ideas. My greatest strength is that I contribute to the discussion. I need improving on accepting others' ideas and considering their ideas.

Blog # 1.8 - Design Justification

My team and I decided to use my design for the cards. We all thought that it looked the best and was very detailed. My team and I also decided to use Yaritza's design for the game pieces. There was a variety of game pieces that she had designed such as a car and book. Lastly, we chose to use Yaritza's draft of a game board as our game board. We felt that the board was pretty self-explanatory. It had the six colors that we are going to use (red, blue, green, purple, orange, and yellow.)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog # 1.7c - Possible Designs

I briefly looked over Sadae Livingston's paper and saw her cards. We did not get a chance to work on our gameboard since we had drafted it before. Her cards looked decent, but, I personally liked my cards and Yaritza's cards better with the question on the front and the answer on the back, upside down.

Blog # 1.7b - Possible Designs

Yaritza Burgos also designed the game cards and game pieces. My game cards and her game cards were a little similar so I liked it. Her game pieces were all different. One game piece was a car and another was a book. I thought that the 4 game pieces should all be the same. I think that she should work on her game pieces, but, keep her cards the same.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog #1.7a - Possible Designs

I designed the game cards and the game pieces. For the game pieces, I kept it simple. I made them have a circular bottom and sort of rectangular top poking out. I also designed two types of cards for the two subjects (Math and History.) The yellow cards represented history and focused on the names of states. The green cards represented math and focused on multiplication. The front contained the question and the answer in the back. There will be 6 different color cards and the font will be in white.

Blog # 1.6 - Process Journal # 2

The score that I would give myself would be a 4. I would give a 5 to the members of my team. I would give myself a 4 because at times I did not cooperate well with one of my teammates. I kept a positive attitude most of the time. We all worked well together in planing our game. I think that next time I should cooperate more with my teammates so that there will never be any tesion between us.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog # 1.4 - Design Specification

I, along with my group members (Yaritza Burgos and Sadae Livingston), are going to create a board game for 6th graders. The purpose of this is to help educate them in Mathematics and Social Studies. We will be using a recycled board, six packs of cards that we will create on index cards, pencils, scrap paper, 4 game pieces, 2 boxes to serve as place holders for the cards, and 2 die. Our board game will be very simple so that the 6th graders will not be confused.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blog # 1.3 - Process Journal #1

For this project, I am working in a group with Yaritza Burgos and Sadae Livingston. So far, we have been discussing what topics to use in our game. Social Studies will be used and maybe Math. We've already decided that we want to make it a board game. Recently, we created a survery for kids 10-12 to answer so that we can create our game that is suitable for 6th graders.

Blog # 1.2 - Design Task

Our task is to create an educational game for 6th graders. It can be a board game, card game, etc. It can include the subjects that are learned in school such as math, english, and science. We have to make sure that we use information that 6th graders know that isnt too challenging for them.