Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog #4.16 - Area of Interaction

I believe that the color of the articles is appealing to the audience. It is a very bright green and sticks out along with the darker green background. I also put parts of the articles in bold italic. I think that in order to have made it more appealing, I could of rotating the articles. Instead of having them look plain and straight, I could have tilted them and used two different colors instead of one. I think the font type is fine and appeals to the audience.

Blog #4.15 - Process Journal #5

One change that I made was the background color. I originally wanted it to be black, but then I received some feedback about my magazine and was told that black would not look well with a business magazine. I started thinking about blue, but my title was already blue. So then I figured the next obvious color would be the color of money, green. So I chose green and left the colors of everything else.