Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blog # 4.9 - Article Titles

  • Marketing Madness!

  • Finance Solutions

  • Money Problems? Say no more

  • Business Quiz

  • How to excel in the business world

  • Fancy business "lingo"

  • Successful business owners

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blog # 4.4 - Design Specification

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • 3D Letters with Rotation
  • Gradient Color
  • Beveling
  • 7 articles/teasers on the cover
  • Picture that matches our topic
  • Catchy Title
  • Range of Colors

Blog # 4.3 - Design Brief

For this project, I am designing a magazine cover. My magazine will be based on the topic of business. The target audience for my magazine is working adults in their late 20s and older. The purpose of making this magazine is to show how well we can create the magazine based on our given topic. My manufacturing technique is Adobe Illustrator.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog # 4.7 - Process Journal # 2

  1. Working Class Edition
  2. Financial Reasoning
  3. Business Ventures

I think I would go with Business Ventures. I have chosen this name because I think it best fits my magazine. My magazine has to do with business so the title is self explanatory.

Blog # 4.7A - Topic Research

  1. What topic have you been assigned for this project?

For this project, I have been assigned business.

2. List at least 10 subtopics that are related to your topic.

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Corporation
  • Cooperative
  • Agriculture/Mining
  • Financial
  • Manufacturers
  • Real Estate
  • Retailers/Distributors
  • Service

3. Go to Find your magazine topic. List at least four magazines that are based on your topic. List the title of at least 10 articles from any previous issue(s) of those magazine(s).

  • Money
  • Entrepreneur
  • Fortune
  • Kiplinger's Personal Finance
  1. Money: The Bullish Case for Stocks
  2. Money: Save a Easy $100,000
  3. Entrepreneur: Everything
  4. Entrepreneur: How to
  5. Fortune: A Day in the Life of
  6. Fortune: Zappos
  7. Kiplinger's Personal Finance: How to Make a Million
  8. Kiplinger's Personal Finance: 30 Secrets to Lower your Health costs
  9. Money: The upside to Europe's fall
  10. Money: 7 Secrets of Super Savers

4. Describe your target demographic (Who will be interested in your magazine). Use specifics, think of gender, age, socioeconomic group, location, etc.

My target demographic would be males and females from their late 20's and up. These would have to be working class men and women.

Blog # 4.5 - Process Journal # 1

For this project, I have been given business. I know that there are large businesses and small businesses. The purpose of them is to provide goods and services to consumers.
  • What makes a business small or large?
  • What are the people mostly referred to in business?
  • Is there a hierarchy in business?
  • How can you start your own business?

One topic that should be included in my magazine is capital. The specific demographic I will be targeting would be adults.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog # 4.2 - Design Brief

For our project, we have to design our own magazine cover for a fake magazine based on whatever topic was chosen for us. My topic was business. We are to work by ourselves.

Blog # 4.1 - Evaluation

1. What is the name of the magazine?

The names are Playstation Magazine, Special Edition Newsweek, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Shape.

2. What is the magazine about?

  • Playstation Magazine is about all games associated with the playstation.
  • Special Edition News Week is about the major and popular events and topics occuring in the news.
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is about the movie itself and talks about the characters and the actors that portray them.
  • Shape is about tips for losing weight and helping you tone your body.

3. Describe the design of the title (Colors, placement, format, font).

  • Playstation Magazine: The name of the magazine is placed in the center and in large bold letters. It is a different color than the other words (gray).
  • Special Edition News Week: The title is centered and bold with a yellow font. It is placed over the main image.
  • Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: The font is a different color than any other words. Its a mixture of orange and yellow. The letters are also stretched out and in descending order from large to small.
  • Shape: The title is large and in the background of the cover. It is behind the main image.

4. What is the dominate image on the cover?Why have they chosen that image? What does the image tell you about the content of the magazine? Do you find the image appealing? Why or why not? Have they included other images on the cover? If yes, what are they? If no, what image(s) do you think should be included on the cover?

  • Playstation Magazine: The dominate image on this cover is Spiderman's chest and you can see his spider symbol. They have chosen that image because the magazine talked about the release of SpiderMan 3 game. The image tells me that the magazine puts popular new releases on its cover. The image is appealing because of how the costume looks.
  • Special Edition Newsweek: The dominate image is the continent of North America. They have chosen that image to fit with the title, California Island. This image tells me that the magazine covers important issues within the world. The image is not all that appealing because its just a continent.
  • Indiana Jones: The dominate image is the main character. I like how the image looks because of the background. The image fits with the title of the movie since it is the main character. It shows that what the magazine is about. Other images are of the other actors in it.
  • Shape: The dominate image is Ashley Tisdale. The image was chosen to show a celebrity that stays fit. The image is not that really appealing because it is a celebrity. It would be more appealing if it were a regular person.

5. Who is the intended audience? (demographics) How do you know?

  • Playstation Magazine: The intended audience would be kids and teenagers. I know this because kids and teenagers are usually attracted to these game systems.
  • Special Edition Newsweek: The intended audience would be adults. I know this because adults are usually into the news more often than younger people.
  • Indiana Jones: The intended audience would be teenagers. I know this because teenagers are usually attracted to magazines about movies.
  • Shape: The intended audience would be teens and adults. I know this because Ashley Tisdale is a teen icon because of her roles in disney channel and adults would use the healthy tips.

6. What articles will be found in the magazine? How do those articles relate to the topic of the magazine?

  • Playstation Magazine: Articles about games will be found in this magazine. The articles will relate because the magazine is about games for the playstation.
  • Special Edition Newsweek: Articles about current events will be found. These are relevant because this magazine deals with global news.
  • Indiana Jones: Articles about the actors and plot of the movie would be found. These are related because they have to do with the movie.
  • Shape: Articles about Ashley Tisdale and ways to get a better body will be found. These are related because she is the main image and the title is shape.

7. How many different fonts (style, color, size) are found on the cover? Do you find the fonts appealing? Why or why not?

  • Playstation Magazine: There are about 4 different fonts. The fonts are appealing because of the colors used and I like the style.
  • Special Edition Newsweek: There are about 6 different fonts. I dont find them very appealing because the styles are very plain and not creative.
  • Indiana Jones: There are over 10 different fonts. The fonts are appealing because of their style and the colors and there is a lot of variety.
  • Shape: There are several fonts. The fonts were not that appealing because they were plain.