Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog # 2.15 - Area of Interaction

The ideas of Human Ingenuity are Design, Make, and Evaluate a product. I designed, made, but did not get to evaluate a product. My film relfects the ideas of Human Ingenuity because I had to plan out the film. I had to plan the storyline and the next thing to do, was to design. We took the pictures for the project by setting up the camera and the props. I moved the props while my partner took the pictures. So that is how my film relfected the ideas of Human Ingenuity.

Blog # 2.14 - Process Journal # 8

I did stick to my original plan, which was on the design folio. For the most part, I brought in the props and my partner and I were able to take the pictures. However, we took only 94 pictures. I was hoping that we'd take a lot more. Also, I missed one crucial editing day because of the weather. So those two things messed up my project for me. The other editing day was a set back as well because we had difficulty getting the pictures onto Windows Movie Maker, even though I found a way how to. I struggled to finish the project, but, went through more setbacks with the file type as I saved it.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog # 2.13 - Process Journal # 7

There was at least one change that was made in my final movie from the original design. One change that was made was that the big monster was removed from the story. In the original design, there was a hero, a victim, and a big monster. A hero and victim were in the final movie. Four villains were added. So that was another change in the final movie. The plot was kept the same. The hero was rescuing the victim still.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog # 2.11 - Process Journal # 6

My partner and I made developments to our film.

  • I brought in all the props for the film
  • Created the story
  • In charge of the props
  • Directed


  • Took the pictures
  • Contributed to directing

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog # 2.10 - Process Journal # 5

So far for this project, there aren't really any challenges that we are facing. The IB Learner qualities that my partner has been exhibiting in a positive manner are Principled and Ope-Minded. She has been acting with integrity and has been listening to my ideas for the project. The quality that we need to work on is Communicators. My partner and I have to communicate more about what we are focusing our film on. My greatest strength is that I listen to others' ideas well. I need to improve on being more creating with my own ideas.