Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #1.1 - Game Evaluation

1. What game(s) did your group play today?

a. Bingo
b. Scattergories
c. 24
d. Sorry

2. Briefly describe how your game works. What is the objective of the game?

a. In Bingo, each player gets their own Bingo card and a few pieces to place on the card. No Bingo cards are the same. There is a black container that someone spins. It is filled with balls that have different numbers on them such as "B 17" and such. When one ball comes out, someone reads it a loud and the players check their cards for that number. If you have that number, you put one of your pieces on it. The objective of the game is to have five pieces on the card vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Once this happens, you yell "Bingo."
b. In Scattergories, each player has their own folder. They each get the same card and a paper marked "One, Two, Three" for the rounds. There is a timer. Someone must roll the die. When the die lands on a particular letter, each player has to look at their card and see what it is asking for. You must answer everything starting with the letter from the die.
c. In 24, the players each have to look at a particular card. They must use the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with the numbers on the card to get 24. Each number on the card has to be used once. When one of the players thinks they have the answer, they must say it aloud and they then the receive the card for points.
d. In Sorry, you must get all four of your pieces into the "Home" area. You start off at "Start." There will be cards placed in the middle of the board that tell you which direction to move in and how many spaces. You can also switch places with another players' piece.

3. Were the rules clear? If not, what made them hard to understand?

a. The rules for Bingo were pretty self explanatory. You dont really need to look over the rules to figure out how to play the game.
b. The rules for Scattergories were pretty confusing at first. What made them hard was writing down the words that start with a certain letter. But as the game progressed, I got the hang of it.
c. The rules for 24 were simple. You had to use mathematical operations and the numbers once to get 24.
d. The rules for Sorry were kind of confusing at first as well. I understood it after a few seconds on how to move the piece and that sliding it was worth one space.

4. Was the board attractive, colorful, etc.?

a. The Bingo cards were okay. They were red and white. The pieces that you had to put on the cards were pretty colorful.
b. I liked the color of the folders for Scattergories. They were red.
c. For 24, the cards were blue, the numbers were black, and what the numbers were placed in was yellow. I like the colors.
d. I liked the Sorry board and I liked the different color pieces. It was all colorful.

5. What is one positive element of the game?

a. One positive element of Bingo is that the numbers are selected at random. I think that gives each player an equal chance of winning.
b. One positive element of Scattergories is that the game gives you a lot of time to write down your answers.
c. One positive element of 24 is that you are looking at the cards and you can use any mathematical operation to get 24.
d. One positive element of Sorry is the certain card that tell you to move a lot of spaces which is helpful for when you are trying to get "Home."

6. What is one specific thing that can be improved?

a. One specific thing that can be improved in Bingo is nothing. It is fine the way it is.
b. One specific thing that can be improved in Scattergories is to maybe extend the time more.
c. One specific thing that can be improved in 24 is if each person can get their own cards. Everyone would get the same card instead of everyone just looking at one card.
d. One specific thing that can be improved in Sorry is nothing because the rules seem pretty clear.

7. What age group is this game for? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for a younger audience? How could this game be altered to make it appropriate for an older audience?
a. I think that Bingo is for kids ages 10 and up. I think this because younger kids may get bored easily with this game. This game doesnt need to be altered to be appropriate for an older audience. For a younger audience, I think that this game should have like a computer voice saying the numbers.
b.I think that Scattergories is for kids ages 10 and up as well because it requires a lot of thinking. This game could be altered for kids by having kids categories. To be altered for an older audience, the categories must be more challenging.
c. For 24, it is for ages 9 and up because it uses the knowledge of basic math. For a younger audience, the game should be more simplier to get 24. For an older audience, it should be more difficult to get 24.
d. For Sorry, it's for ages 9 and up. I dont think it needs to be altered for a younger audience. For an older audience, the directions on the cards should be more difficult.

8. What element(s) of the game(s) that you played may be integrated into your game?

a. I might use the random selecting that is used Bingo.
b. I might require there to be writing for the answers just like in Scattergories.
c. I might consider using cards and having all the players think for the answers like in 24.
d. I think I will use a board for my game just like in Sorry.