Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog #4.16 - Area of Interaction

I believe that the color of the articles is appealing to the audience. It is a very bright green and sticks out along with the darker green background. I also put parts of the articles in bold italic. I think that in order to have made it more appealing, I could of rotating the articles. Instead of having them look plain and straight, I could have tilted them and used two different colors instead of one. I think the font type is fine and appeals to the audience.

Blog #4.15 - Process Journal #5

One change that I made was the background color. I originally wanted it to be black, but then I received some feedback about my magazine and was told that black would not look well with a business magazine. I started thinking about blue, but my title was already blue. So then I figured the next obvious color would be the color of money, green. So I chose green and left the colors of everything else.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blog #4.12 - Process Journal #4

So far, I have extruded and beveled my title. I have fixed the letters so they match the colors that I put on my sketch. During next class, I have to put in the articles and my picture that I want to represent my cover. I think I have excelled with the Thinkers quality. I have been thinking of what fonts to use and ive been playing around with the different fonts until I finally picked the perfect one. I think I've been strugglign a little bit with the Open Minded quality. This is only because I've only thought about certain ideas and havent been opened to other ideas for my cover. I want to start exploring other ideas.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog # 4.10 - Process Journal #3

The design that I have decided to develop includes a title with navy blue and light blue letters. The title is "Business Ventures." All of the letters will be beveled in the title and in 3D. The background will be black. The letters will be 100 in font size and the type will be impact. There will be a briefcase with a dollar sign on it in the middle of the cover. The six articles on the cover will be "Marketing Madness! Special tips" "Finance Solutions: Need help with your money?" "Business Quiz: Which business suits you?" "Business lingo: want to sound professional?" "How to excel in the business world: want to be successful?" "Successful People: Ten amazing people!" The articles will be either white or light green. I have chosen this because I think it suits my topic very well. When I think of business, I think of briefcases and blue.